A wine collection is like a garden. If left untended it will grow weeds. This aphorism that I personally coined years ago remains true as my [...]
A wine collection is like a garden. If left untended it will grow weeds. This aphorism that I personally coined years ago remains true as my [...]
I recently hosted a Parisian friend in San Francisco. He is a wine enthusiast and we share a common interest in Bordeaux, Burgundy and Rhone [...]
“Correct me if I’m wrong,” I said at the bar, after putting down my fourth sip of Silver Oak. “But these wines seem to have [...]
Defective wines, rare as they are, can be educational. This bottle of Galernau, a Loire Valley Cabernet Franc, made a poor impression in [...]
I will call her Signora Moscato.“If someone only drinks Moscato, but would like to switch to a red,” she asked, “what kind of red would [...]
I recently cancelled all my wine club memberships, except one. They were a waste of money, but that’s not why I did it. It was [...]
It is said that Napoleon Bonaparte loved Chambertain, a wine from Burgundy, and he drank it watered down. Was Napoleon a brute, coarsely treating fine [...]
“High extraction,” I said, describing an Italian wine during our Friday night tasting group. It was a 2007 Campaccio Terrabianca, a super-Tuscan, Sangiovese fortified with [...]
“Do onto others as you would have them do onto you.” Lettie Teague, wine columnist for the Wall Street Journal, recently recounted an anecdote involving her [...]
I have been feverishly writing my new crime novel since Christmas 2015. Despite voluminous, time demanding research needed for the story, both for settings and [...]