Hummingbirds, a Photographic Journey
Photographing hummingbirds in flight is challenge. The story of how I went from a lucky shot years ago to better results nowadays.
An Unforgettable Photo Shoot in the Tetons
What started as an escape during the pandemic, turned into a life changing experience.
Science and the Royal Visit
In one of the more surreal events of my years in the English High School of Istanbul, I came face-to-face with Princess Anne, the daughter of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. The year was 1971 and it happened in, of all places, a chemistry lab.
Moon Rise in San Diego, A Challenge
Lessons from my early experience with full moon photos in San Diego.
A Wine Tour of Sicily
An impressive sampling of what the island offers.
Shooting the Lunar Eclipse an Angst Ridden Venture
Trials and tribulations in planning a photo shoot of a rare moon rise eclipse.