French soul, American soil. Maison Drouhin’s catchy motto for its Oregon wines. Drouhin, better known in Burgundy as a giant winemaker and negociant, legitimized Oregon Pinot [...]
French soul, American soil. Maison Drouhin’s catchy motto for its Oregon wines. Drouhin, better known in Burgundy as a giant winemaker and negociant, legitimized Oregon Pinot [...]
A prior blog I wrote about young wine drinkers seeking to break out of Moscato and into more serious wines (see Moscato Mania: Prelude to [...]
The two boys huddled into the front seat of Karakaş Abi’s blue DeSoto, sitting close to each other as if the otherwise empty dolmuş were [...]
This man, John Fox was recently convicted of running a $ 45 million Ponzi scheme that defrauded 9000 people. He was sentenced to six and [...]
I was recently taken by a wine scene in a crime novel I am currently reading, A Conflict of Interest, by Adam Mitzner. In it, [...]
Of all the intimidating mysteries in the wine world, the aging potential of given wines is up there at the top. To be sure, for [...]
Rothschild family coat of armsConsolidation and globalization races along in the wine world, with companies such as Gallo, Diageo and Constellation gobbling up winemakers [...]
The Ottomans were a cosmopolitan empire. At their height they stretched through Eastern Europe, Asia Minor, the Middle East and North Africa. In the aftermath [...]
Tomorrow, Friday, November 18th, Wine Wizard’s, our regular Friday night haunt, will be packed with a festive crowd. It happens every November, for today, the [...]
A prior blog in which I explored a defect in wine (see “Fatuous Fermentation; Causes and Remedies” 9/23/2016) reminded me of a simple rule I [...]