Can a white wine be drinkable after more than half a century? The general answer is no. Sauternes is an exception, as two bottles from 1962 and 1953 prove.
Can a white wine be drinkable after more than half a century? The general answer is no. Sauternes is an exception, as two bottles from 1962 and 1953 prove.
It is difficult to add up how much one is imbibing when receiving multiple small pours. This makes wine tasting dangerously deceptive. 83 tastings in two hours equals five bottles of wine. How do I do it?
A most unusual wedding gift, 6 liters of Bogle wine, patiently awaits an occasion to be unveiled.
How much embarrassment can a writer endure for the sake of research. My Budapest ordeal in Rudas Baths.
Join me in an exceptional Michelin 2-star dinner at one of San Franciso's best high end Italian restaurants.
Softening a heavy red with a splash of white wine - just the right kind. An experiement that occasionally works.
The story of a three liter Cabernet, from purchase to uncorking and beyond.
Where do all these characters come from? Many will surprise you.
Come and explore the easy drinking wines of a well hidden, beautiful region of Italy
A trendy San Francisco restaurant accepts a bottle of wine I refused, ungraciously.