A priceless collection of thirty year old Heitz Martha's Vineyard Cabernets provokes stories about Joe Heitz, a Napa Valley pioneer.
Cheap American sparklers have the word Champagne on their labels. Isn't that forbidden? "Champagne" is supposed to be reserved for only a specific region of France. How did the Americans get away with it?
Impressions about the 2016 vintage, another great one, from a massive tasting of around 90 labels across the region.
A chic, sumptuous Christmas affair at Jordan Winery in Sonoma, the most elegant we've ever experienced.
Store brands may work out for peanuts or soap, but do they work out for wine?
A celebrated high-end restaurant displays arrogance with its screw up while a local unknown deals with it properly. A little humility goes a long way in building good will.
BlogKristina Magee2024-09-27T14:19:29+00:00